Die Faszination des Mondes
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On December 7, 2013, the Lunar Calendar went live and has been available to everyone for free since then.
Since the launch, many improvements and new features have been integrated, which can be read in my ChangeLog.

To give you a small impression of the design possibilities, I have created a few small examples with a short description.

If you have any problems, suggestions or help regarding the service, please feel free to use the contact form or the Facebook group set up for this purpose at www.facebook.com/groups/mondtool/.

Requirements and terms of use

  • This service is free of charge
  • You may use the service as often as you like on different sites and in your projects
  • The service may be used only for legal projects and websites
  • Set a text link to www.Der-Mond.de according to the following pattern: "From www.Der-Mond.de/".
  • The text link must be placed immediately above or below the service
  • The link must not be provided with a "nofollow"
  • Misuse or non-compliance with the terms of use will lead to exclusion
  • This service can be restricted or discontinued at any time without giving reasons
  • No liability is assumed for any damage caused by the service
  • The use is at your own risk
  • The "Privacy Notice" is accepted by you with the use of the tool

Regardless of this, if you like my project, I would be happy if you would support it with a small donation for its operation and further development via PayPal (external link).

Design of the free lunar calendar

Step 1: Basic data

You may create a headline of your choice.


Note ! You can only use letters, ciphers, spaces and hyphens for the headline. The maximum length of the headline is 40 characters.

Please choose the language to be used for the Moon-Tool texts
Sprache (Language):

Do you want to see your location, time zone and legend in the footer?

location, time zone and legend
no display

You have the option of freely choosing the date of the lunar calendar. The following options are available for this purpose. Please note that the zodiac signs are not available for a fixed date for performance reasons.

Always show previous month (starting from the current month)
Always show the current month (Standard)
Always show next month (starting from the current month)
Fixed date entered:

Step 2 – Information on the Moon

Do you want to see the current times of moonrise and moonset.

display current times of moonrise and moonset

indicate the constellation where the moon is currently located
   astrological (signs of the zodiac)

Note Please note that during the generation of astronomical images of the moon or the sun can stand in a constellation that does not belong to the zodiac sign. In this case, no icon in the calendar is displayed for the moon or the sun.

Step 3 - Sunrise / Sunset

Here you specify whether you want to have the current time of sunrise or sunset be displayed.

display times of sunrise and of sunset

indicate the constellation where the sun is currently located
   astrological (signs of the zodiac)

Note Please note that during the generation of astronomical images of the moon or the sun can stand in a constellation that does not belong to the zodiac sign. In this case, no icon in the calendar is displayed for the moon or the sun.

Step 4 – Phases of the Moon

You may specify whether you want the display of the phases of the moon. You may further embed the respective time of day.

display main phases of the moon   display associated date

Step 5 – Time Zone / Geographic Location

Please select you time zone here. Note that all times on display in the Moon-Tool will refer to the time zone you select here.

time zonee use daylight-saving-time DST consider

Geographic longitude   degrees   minutes  
Geographic latitude    degrees   minutes  

Step 6 - Presentation

font Size px (7 to 14)
You can choose between different fonts. To be able to estimate the different fonts, there is a sample page at.

  Please note!
Not in all fonts, the Greek characters are available! Therefore, please check the result in advance when changing the font and selecting this language.

Typeface Italic

Important note! Italic font style is not available for the following fonts: Droid Sans, PTSans Narrow, Tillana

Color settings
text colour (Hexidezimal)    

background colour (Hexidezimal)    

Frame color for day marker (hexadecimal)    

Display transparent background instead of background color

So it would seem: The moon has risen

This is a sample container with the font color and background color you have selected. This allows you to check the different contrast between background color and text color.

Please note that you will need a modern browser with JavaScript enabled to select the colors.

If the color does not change after your selection, please use the "Show Preview" button.

Step 7 - Proposals / Newsletter for Innovations

I keep on working on the further improvement of this free service, and to enhance it by implementing additional useful functions.

Would you like to keep in touch with the current state of Moon-Tool and be informed on its latest innovations?

If so, drop me Kontakt@Der-Mond.de an Email with the reference "Moon-Tool - Newsletter. I will inform you about any changes and enhancements of the tool.and the associated service.

You you do decide not use the tool, e. g. because you find that it lacks certain options you require, deop me an Email via the contact form. I am always open to read your suggestions!



The following preview diagram is the result of your settings.
Note that the red frame of that preview is meant to indicate that it is a preview. This red frame will not appear on your homepage!.

Important: The graph shown here is reduced in case of insufficient width of the screen in the preview! This applies mostly to whenever the zodiac signs are displayed for both sun and moon. To get an idea of ​​the right size, you can click Preview. This is then loaded into a new browser window as an individual image.

Der Mondkalender mit allen Mondphasen im Monatsverlauf

A service of www.Der-Mond.de