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Offer a special service to your visitors or use it for your own projects. The free star maps for your homepage

Many years now I offer my moon tool for homepage owners. This tool is very popular and often used.

With this experience I have developed a new tool for your homepage, with which you can integrate star maps for your homepage with free design.

You have the choice between different star charts for the starry sky and you can combine them.

I use for this the from my point of view best planetarium program for the visual impression: www.Stellarium.org from the author Fabien Chereau.
This planetarium program belongs for me on every PC and is available for many operating systems.

There is even an excellent online version of Stellarium: https://stellarium-web.org/.

Read my insider story about the genesis of this idea here on my homepage.

But can you just use the graphics? What are the copyright regulations?

The program Stellarium has been released under the GNU GPLv2 license (Creative Commons) and may be redistributed if you comply with this license terms.

But what exactly does GNU General Public License (GNU GPL for short) mean?

This license grants others to run, study, modify and distribute (copy) the software. It grants freedom rights (also called free software) to use and distribute parts of the software. It is important to ensure the copyright of the author and to consider the rights of third parties.

I have looked at these copyrights and prepared the star maps in such a way that this license is fulfilled. For this reason, depending on the selected star map, the corresponding image credits are listed in the footer text by me.

Why is the service free? Is there a catch?

There are many providers for such service offers. Often registrations are necessary and the whole thing is financed with advertising.

Admittedly, such a service produces costs for the development and operation on a server.
I decided in 2012 to build such offers and make them available to everyone free of charge.

For me, transparency and privacy is a very important issue. That's why there are few and transparent usage rules for the tool. You don't need to be afraid: Data will not be shared with third parties like Google and Co. and will remain on my rented server in Germany.

My goal is: permanent availability and further development without costs for you.

Support my project

I welcome all suggestions for improvement and have added new features over the many years thanks to the users.

I am happy if you like my project and use it.

If you like, you are welcome to support me voluntarily. You can find more information at the bottom of the page in the footer.

What does the starry sky tool offer?

You can freely design the tool. Choose the one of the many, individual configuration options:

  • Free choice of text color and background color
  • Choice of different languages
  • Own headline with current date
  • Number of columns to display star charts side by side
  • Size of each star chart selectable
  • Choice of different fonts and font sizes
  • Combination of several star charts
  • Choice of the following star charts
    • Overall view of the starry sky
    • The starry sky for each celestial direction
    • Representation of Jupiter's surface with the big red spot
    • Jupiter with position of the moons
    • Saturn surface with position of the rings and position of the moons

Your desired function is not included? Please contact me via my contact form.

Requirements and terms of use

  • This service is free and without advertising
  • You may use the service as often as you like on different sites and in your projects
  • The service may be used only for legal projects and websites
  • Set a text link to www.Der-Mond.de according to the following pattern:
    A service from www.Der-Mond.de
  • The link may not be provided with a "nofollow
  • The text link must be placed directly above or below the service
  • Misuse or non-compliance with the terms of use will lead to exclusion
  • This service can be restricted or discontinued at any time without giving any reason
  • No liability is assumed for damages caused by the service
  • The use is at your own risk
  • The "Privacy Notice" is accepted by you with the use of the tool

Regardless of this, if you like my project, I would be happy if you support it with a small donation for the operation and further development via PayPal (external link).

How can I include the star map on my homepage?

Personally, it has always bothered me that such service offers had to be integrated via Flash, are embedded in an IFrame or require other plug-ins. Often the different versions of the browsers have to be considered here.

I decided from the beginning for another way: The integration via a graphic. This makes using it a breeze and even with ready-made homepage templates it's no longer a problem!

The tool always has the look you have configured.

You have problems with the integration? I have supported other users and also offer you help with the integration. Just use my contact form for that.

Get started now and create your individual star map for your homepage now

The moon - mysterious companion of our earth
A service from www.Der-Mond.de