Die Faszination des Mondes
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Ausdruck vom 01.09.2024
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Lunar calendar

  • Own title
  • Time CET
  • Astronomical constellation of the moon as symbol
  • Astronomical constellation of the sun as symbol
  • Rise and set times of the moon
  • Rise and set times of the sun
  • Indication of moon phases and times
  • Footer

The moon in the course of the month

  • Own title
  • Time CET
  • Transparent background
  • Font color black
  • Astronomical constellation of the moon as symbol
  • Rise and set times of the moon
  • Indication of moon phases and times
  • Footer

Moon phases

  • Own title
  • Time CET
  • Changed background color
  • Changed frame color for current day
  • Indication of moon phases without times
  • Without footer

Zodiac sign for moon and sun

  • Own title
  • Time CET
  • Tiliana font
  • Astrological constellation of the moon as symbol
  • Astrological constellation of the sun as symbol
  • Indication of moon phases without times
  • Footer

Rise of moon and sun

  • Own title
  • Time CET
  • Rise and set times of the moon
  • Rise and set times of the sun
  • Without indication of moon phases and times