Die Faszination des Mondes
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Ausdruck vom 29.08.2024
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Bug fixes, improvements and new features for the moon tool and the moon calendar

Adjustment of the source code

Until further notice, the linking of the graphic to my website is no longer required. With this I want to improve the user experience. Background: I always find this very annoying with advertising. The text link below the graphic must remain.

Adaptation of the source text generator

  • The source text has been adapted and modified
  • The source text is now completely translated in the set language


New functions lunar calendar

  • Increase to version 5. Please create a new source code for existing usage!
  • Tag now with same color representation as background
  • Transparent background
  • Added legend with symbols and labels for zodiac signs
  • Different fonts selectable
  • Frame color for current day can be freely selected
  • New moon phase graphics
  • Asterisk now also for previous and upcoming month
  • Performance improvement
  • Misrepresentation in January 2021 with too large free space below the day view
  • Error management added for quality assurance

Troubleshooting moon tool

  • Increase to version 5. Please create a new source code for existing usage!
  • With borderless display and activated display of the moon / sun graphics, the the edge of these graphics was cut off at the top or artifacts were created. Adjusted accordingly
  • Recently improved the performance for the delivery of the graphics
  • Error management integrated to capture faulty graphics generation
  • Frame for day display was not displayed

New functions moon tool

  • Moon phases were previously displayed only for the current month. Now the next four upcoming moon phases are displayed
  • Header for upcoming moon phases with new version
  • Headings for "Moon" and "Sun" now in bold font
  • Performance improvement
  • Quality improvement of the transparent background
  • Graphic moon phase / SOHO sun image now with transparent background
  • Size adjustment of the graphical moon phase / SOHO sun image

New functions and bug fixes moon tool

  • Margin spacing for copyright notice corrected
  • Fix: In the footer text the type of sun twilight was displayed even if disabled
  • Header for the moon section (can be shown and hidden)
  • Transparent background
  • Various fonts including italics available
  • Optional borderless display
  • Julian date can be hidden
  • Choice between nautical and civil twilight of the sun
  • Indication in footer text whether twilight times are civil or nautical

Improvement moon tool

  • Language improvement for Dutch. Thanks to Andreas Dill for the improved translation!

Troubleshooting moon tool

  • If no heading is entered, this space will be disregarded accordingly in the graphic and the following information will be moved to the top

Troubleshooting Lunar Calendar

  • When selecting the time zone "CET / CEST", daylight saving time cannot be deselected. Fixed.

Troubleshooting moon tool

  • When selecting the time zone "CET / CEST" can not be deselected daylight saving time. This now deselectable.

Troubleshooting Lunar Calendar

  • Error in script. October 30 was output for Sunday and Monday. Error occurred when daylight saving time was active

Troubleshooting Lunar Calendar

  • Adding the necessary alt attribute in the HTML snippet

Improvement moon tool

  • Adding the necessary alt attribute in the HTML snippet
  • Improving perfomance. Execution times under 1 second.

Troubleshooting Lunar Calendar

  • Fixed error in Spanish translation.

Troubleshooting moon tool

  • Fixed error in Spanish translation.

Troubleshooting moon tool

  • The monthly overview of the monphases was in the wrong order

Troubleshooting Lunar Calendar

  • February was shipped with the wrong graphic size. Error fixed.

Start the new lunar calendar

Improvement moon tool

  • Some words in French did not correspond to the correct translation. Changed accordingly. Thanks to Mr. Le Jeune.

Troubleshooting moon tool

  • A code created for perfomance did not give the desired result. The graphic is now created on the server on every call. The duration is on average less than half a second.
  • Made other perfomance improvements. Database accesses are now rarely used.
  • Reordered the fields "sunrise", "sunset", "twilight". This was necessary to cover extreme geographical coordinates. The sun is then always visible or not visible at all.
  • Due to maintenance work moon tool only limited accessible

New functions moon tool

  • The tool can now be displayed in different languages. Available are: German, English, French, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian
  • The display of the sun's position in the constellation is no longer experimental
  • The moon phase image and Soho sun image can now be displayed in their own line. The corresponding information about them is displayed below.
  • Due to the high usage of the moon tool, the perfomance has been improved and the tool has been optimized.

New functions and bug fixes moon tool

  • New version 3 online! The Soho sun image can now be shown or hidden. The data such as sunrise, sunset, twilight and constellation are detached from it.
  • Fixed a bug in the free-creatable headline. Special characters such as öäüß could not be entered.
  • In the logged graphics has been calculated to the date change the wrong moon / sun sign as moon position (astrolgic). The problem was due to the incorrect calculation dsr modified Julian date. The problem has now been fixed.
  • In the logged graphs has been calculated between 7:00 and 13:00 the "Great Bear" as the moon position (astronomical). This is, of course, nonsensical. The problem was due to negative declination, which were converted incorrectly. The problem has now been fixed.
  • Instead of the text "waxing moon" was displayed after the "FIRST quarter" the text "waning moon". Bug fixed.
  • Instead of the text "waxing moon" was displayed after new moon the text "waning moon". Error fixed.
  • When determining the astronomical constellation, there may be results that do not determine a constellation. In the tool was then also displayed kenes. In such rare cases, the last current constellation is now retained. The astrological constellation is not affected.
  • Delivery of the graph has been optimized in the geographic coordinates section.
  • The graphic was not accessible due to form conversion. If an input was made in a field in the form and Return was pressed, the GoogleMaps map was loaded without interaction of the user. This is not wanted. Furthermore, when loading the preview, the GoogleMaps map was no longer loaded if it was active. This problem is now fixed. The GoogleMaps map can now be loaded or not loaded via a checkbox. Regardless of whether a preview is loaded. The issue did not affect the graphical display.
  • The graphical moon phase display was inaccurate. This has been improved.
  • The determination of the constellation for the sun and moon has been outsourced to another module.  This information is still usable without restriction. The generation of the graph to the Auslieferungasn the visitor is now in 1/2 seconds!
  • Moon tool for smartphone! From now on, there is the popular moon tool in a slimmed-down version for the smartphone. Without app!
  • Completely revised and new version goes online
  • Versioning for current and future enhancements to the moon tool. This ensures that old versions will continue to be displayed without restriction and with the settings.
  • Creation of free headings.
  • Correction for rising and setting times. Depending on the time specification, the wrong rise and set time was displayed.
  • All data come as before no longer from the database but are calculated when generating the graph.
  • As a new feature, the sunrise and sunset times can now be displayed. In addition, there is an hourly updated image of the Soho probe.
  • The moon tool now runs independently is no longer dependent on other modules (cronjobs)
  • You can now enter the geographic coordinates for any location. All temporal information in the moon tool will be taken into account.
  • Time zones can now be specified. All temporal specifications in the moon tool will be taken into account.
  • The location search is now possible via an implementation of GoogleMaps. You can select a point in the map, search for a place or use the approximate location of the browser. GoogleMaps is only loaded with its modules if this is requested by the user.
  • You can subscribe to a newsletter to learn about changes.
  • The moon tool was tested for perfomance (stress test). This generated 4,000 retrievals within a short time. The creation time is in the performed "stress test" between 0.8 and 1.2 seconds.
  • Pixel deviations have occurred due to the new design. These can affect in extreme cases 20 px more in height and width. Old generated versions should remain in the "frame".
  • For the moon, the degree of illumination has been added as new specifications.
  • For the sun and moon, you can optionally display the current position in the constellation. This is individually astronomical or astrological possible.
  • Previously, the data on the moon (age, phase, etc.) could only be displayed together with the graphic. I have changed that. Each indication can be switched on or off individually.
  • The accuracy of the moon age has been improved.
  • The phase "New Moon", "First Quarter", "Full Moon", "Last Quarter" are displayed as text respectively hours before and 5 hours after the exact position. Here there were previously large differences.
  • Until now, the graphic was generated once within an hour and a saved version was delivered with each further call. I have set this interval down to 20 minutes. The graphic is thus regenerated every 20 minutes.
  • It came to a wrong representation of the moon phases, if by specification of a time zone the dateline is exceeded. This error occurred only once, but has been fixed!

Troubleshooting moon tool

  • When selected under "Step 4 - Moon Phases", the text length was incorrectly determined and truncated from August 1. Error fixed.

New functions and bug fixes moon tool

  • Note text for the time zone in Germany added with the following wording: "For example, if you want to display the times for Germany, you must set the time zone to +1 hour. With it CET is valid then. For daylight saving time, it is important to additionally set the checkmark for Consider daylight saving time. Then applies together with the time zone of +1 hour CEST."
  • Perfomance (loading behavior) of the graphic improved. Initial measurements give 0.02 seconds for existing graphic load and 0.16 seconds for graphic creation.
  • Font size now from 7px to 13px. The graphical moon phase is dynamically adjusted to the selected font size.

Launch of the new homepage tool

  • An error in the script led to the fact that under certain conditions data from the previous day were displayed, Fixed.
  • Color specification in hexadecimal only supports lowercase letters. Now uppercase letters work as well. Fixed.
  • Start of the homepage tool
  • Graphical moon phase was displayed incorrectly. Fixed