Die Faszination des Mondes
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Ausdruck vom 01.09.2024
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My observatory

  • Own title
  • Portrait
  • CET with daylight saving time consideration
  • Calendar information
  • Graphic moon phase
  • Rise and set time
  • Moon phase
  • Moon age
  • Illumination level
  • Astronomical sign
  • Upcoming moon phases
  • Soho sun image
  • Rise and set time
  • Astronomical sign
  • Without footer

Our earth moon in the sky

  • Own title
  • Portrait
  • CET with daylight saving time consideration
  • Graphical moon phase with own size
  • Rise and set time
  • Moon phase
  • Moon age
  • Astronomical sign
  • Upcoming moon phases
  • Without footer

Moon and sun

  • Own title
  • Landscape format
  • Font color changed
  • Transparent background
  • CET with daylight saving time consideration
  • Headline moon
  • Graphical moon phase with own size
  • Rise and set time
  • Headline sun
  • Current Soho sun image with own size information
  • Rise and set times
  • Without footer

Upcoming moon phases

  • Untitled
  • Portrait
  • CET with daylight saving time consideration
  • Without graphical moon phase
  • Upcoming moon phases
  • Without footer

The moon

  • Untitled
  • Portrait
  • Transparent background
  • Headline moon with own size
  • Borderless

Zodiac Moon and Sun

  • Untitled
  • Portrait
  • Background color chosen
  • Astrological sign Moon
  • Astrological sign Sun
  • Without footer

The moon at a glance

  • Own title
  • Portrait
  • Font size 14px
  • Roboto font
  • Italic font
  • Time zone UTC +7 hours
  • Without heading Moon
  • Graphical moon phase with own size and left justified
  • Moon phase
  • Moon age
  • Illumination level
  • Footer